How long is a gift voucher valid?
- A gift voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of dispatch
Is a voucher transferable to others
- All Smart Coasting vouchers are freely transferable.
The validity of my voucher has expired, can I extend it?
- Unfortunately it is not possible to extend the validity of the voucher.
Purchase and order
How can I pay at Smart Coasting?
- PayPal
- Amazon Pay
Where can I enter my voucher code?
- Put your articles into the shopping cart
- Click on the "discount code" field in the shopping cart and enter your code. Please be careful not to confuse the number 0 with the letter O and be careful not to use upper or lower case letters.
- The sum of your shopping cart will now automatically be reduced by the amount of the discount code.
Please note:
- Discount codes cannot be combined with other discount campaigns.
- Unfortunately, it is not possible to credit them against a cash payment.
- Only one discount code can be redeemed per order.
- The discount code has a limited validity.
- When exchanging a product purchased with a discount, the discount will not be credited and only the paid value can be used for the exchange.
Can I redeem several vouchers at once?
- No, it is not possible to redeem several vouchers in one order processe
Return and exchange
Can I cancel or revoke my voucher order?
- You can cancel or revoke your order if the 14-day statutory cancellation period has not yet expired.